Pardon Me, You're Stepping On My Blog!

Pardon Me, You're Stepping
On My Blog !

Dream ; Imagine ; Believe !!

Me, myself, and I.
All about me.
No hate. No judgements. Just me. :)


Monday, June 4, 2012

He means so ...

I love his spirit, his heart, his integrity and his loyalty. He’s the love of my life and the man of my dreams.When the world has turned on me and there is darkness all around, he finds a way to bring light in my life and provide positive energy in the face of some of the most extreme circumstances. As long as we have us, f*ck da world….nothing else really matters. I’d lay my life down for him and wouldn’t blink about it.
In my eyes, he’s the most handsome man inside and out. I wouldn’t trade him for all the sun on the beach. As much as I’ve done wrong in life, I’m convinced that I must’ve done something right to deserve a man as great as him. And I’ll forever do all I can to continue to show my undying love and appreciation.

I love him.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Rant over.

so, i guess people at my college think i'm trying to be a hipster or something, and i'm really not. i like sweaters and dress kind of differently from most people and read a lot and like different music, but i'm not a hipster and don't claim to be. well actually i did one time and it was a joke. anyway, i don't really care what they think. that's not the point of this anyway. there is this girl in the grade below me, and we used to be very close friends. i don't think she is very secure and kind of looks to others to figure out what her personality should be. i know she's done that with other people and she's doing it with me. every time i listen to a song on spotify i see that she listens to the same stuff. she's also trying to convince people that she's a hipster when she's just not. because she thinks i'm a hipster because she's ignorant. it's irritating how she poses all the time.
anyway. rant over.